Meet the Judges

We are proud of our judges. This page is updated regularly. Come back and check it out from time to time.

Many judge for us regularly, each year and at other awards. Many will be new. 

All our judges apply to judge. This commitment is vital to the credibility of awards and to ensuring a balanced and independent approach.

Judges are selected based on their experience and qualification. We aim to have large panels of independent businessmen and women, enabling us to allocate a reasonable number of entries to each judge to ensure that the evaluation is thorough.

Donna O'Toole - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Donna O'Toole


Ian Golding - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ian Golding

Customer Experience Specialist

Ash Cripps  - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ash Cripps

Change Readiness Partner

 Christopher Brooks - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Christopher Brooks

Managing Director

Amanda Riches - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Amanda Riches

Director of Professional Services – CX Consulting EMEA

Edwin Best - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Edwin Best

CRM / CX Expert & Owner

Faran Niaz - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Faran Niaz

Customer Experience Specialist & Change Expert│ CX Implementation Coach | Global Keynote Speaker│ International CX Awards Judge

 Joanna Hetherington - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Joanna Hetherington

Operations Director

 Marleen van Wijk - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Marleen van Wijk

Managing Director

 Renata Liuzzi - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Renata Liuzzi

Managing Partner

Jo Boswell - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Jo Boswell


Olga Potaptseva - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Olga Potaptseva

Founding Director

Gökhan Kara - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Gökhan Kara

Customer Experience Advisor

Aline Mueller - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Aline Mueller

Senior Customer Experience Expert

Anna Karadimitriou - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Anna Karadimitriou

Vice President

Hendrik Weber - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Hendrik Weber

Sr Manager Global CX Partnerships

Tawfiq Al Lawati - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Tawfiq Al Lawati

Senior Advisor to Chief Commercial Officer

Alina Dimbean  - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Alina Dimbean

Head of Customer Experience

Andreas Constantinides - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Andreas Constantinides

Senior Consultant

Andreea Coca - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Andreea Coca

CX, Media and Digital Practice Lead

Andrei Romanescu - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Andrei Romanescu

Mentor for go-getters

Athina Tsiavou - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Athina Tsiavou

Contact Center Manager

Bogdan Stefan - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Bogdan Stefan

Senior Business and Tech Consultant and Technical Program Manager

Catalina Radu - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Catalina Radu

Head of Marketing & Customer Experience

Cristina Murgulet - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Cristina Murgulet

Customer Experience Service Designer

Danica Stupar - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Danica Stupar

Executive Director

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE


Elif Baydar Aygun  - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Elif Baydar Aygun

Customer Experience and Market Research Team Leader

Gabriela Ciupitu - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Gabriela Ciupitu

Customer Experience Manager

Gamze Helvacıköylü (PhD.) - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Gamze Helvacıköylü (PhD.)

Customer Experience Consultant

Ioana Bontas-Pop - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ioana Bontas-Pop

Director Commercial and Residential Solutions Business Center

Ivan Minić - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ivan Minić

Host at Pojacalo podcast

Ivana Parcetic Mitic - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ivana Parcetic Mitic

Founder & CEO

Jonathan Daniels - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Jonathan Daniels

Customer Experience Coach

Jonila Janku - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Jonila Janku

Marketing Department Manager

Katarina Pranjic - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Katarina Pranjic


Maria Kallergi - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Maria Kallergi

Customer Experience Manager

Momchil Blaskov - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Momchil Blaskov

CX Product Champion

Ostoja Borkovic - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Ostoja Borkovic


Pavel Kyosev - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Pavel Kyosev

Customer Service Director

Predrag Obradović  - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Predrag Obradović

Managing and Client Service Director

Raphael Hergge - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Raphael Hergge

International Customer Experience Leader & Change Management Professional

Renata Devčić  - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Renata Devčić

Head Of Marketing, Corporate Communication And Customer Experience

Sibel Temirci, MBA - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Sibel Temirci, MBA

Customer Relations Supervisor

Silvia Šušnjević - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Silvia Šušnjević

Business Development Manager

Stefania Madau Levak - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Stefania Madau Levak

Founding director

Tatjana Mamula Nikolić - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Tatjana Mamula Nikolić


Trpimir Kvesić - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Trpimir Kvesić


Veselin Petkov - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Veselin Petkov

Customer Experience Leader

Vesselina Assenova - Judge at UK Customer Experience Awards 2019

Vesselina Assenova

Customer Service Manager SEE

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